FieldConstraint (taack-ui 0.5.7-SNAPSHOT API)
Package: taack.ast.type

[Groovy] Class FieldConstraint

    • taack.ast.type.FieldConstraint

    • @groovy.transform.CompileStatic
      final class FieldConstraint
      extends java.lang.Object

      Container class with meta-data associated with the object pointer by FieldInfo class.

      • Nested Class Summary

          Nested classes 
          Modifiers Name Description
          static class  FieldConstraint.Constraints Helper class to manage Grails constraints field.
      • Methods Summary

          Type Params Return Type Name and description
          boolean getEmail()
          true if the String contains a mail address
          java.lang.Integer getMax()
          java.lang.Integer getMin()
          boolean getNullable()
          true if the field is nullable, false otherwise
          java.lang.String getWidget()
          Widget field of the Grails domain constraint for this field
          java.lang.String toString()
      • Inherited Methods Summary

          Inherited Methods 
          Methods inherited from class Name
          class java.lang.Object java.lang.Object#wait(long, int), java.lang.Object#wait(), java.lang.Object#wait(long), java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object), java.lang.Object#toString(), java.lang.Object#hashCode(), java.lang.Object#getClass(), java.lang.Object#notify(), java.lang.Object#notifyAll()
      • Field Detail

        • public final java.lang.String constraintName

        • public final java.lang.reflect.Field field

      • Constructor Detail

      • Method Detail

        • boolean getEmail()

          true if the String contains a mail address

        • java.lang.Integer getMax()

        • java.lang.Integer getMin()

        • boolean getNullable()

          true if the field is nullable, false otherwise

        • java.lang.String getWidget()

          Widget field of the Grails domain constraint for this field

          either null, textarea, ajax, filePath, markdown, passwd... (see WidgetKind)

        • @java.lang.Override java.lang.String toString()