UiTableSpecifier (taack-ui 0.5.7-SNAPSHOT API)
Package: taack.ui.dsl

[Groovy] Class UiTableSpecifier

    • taack.ui.dsl.UiTableSpecifier

    • @groovy.transform.CompileStatic
      final class UiTableSpecifier
      extends java.lang.Object

      Class for creating table. Those tables could be used with a filter.

      A simple table is created with: BlockSpec.table

      • Properties Summary

          Type Name and description
          groovy.lang.Closure  closure
      • Constructor Summary

      • Methods Summary

      • Inherited Methods Summary

          Inherited Methods 
          Methods inherited from class Name
          class java.lang.Object java.lang.Object#wait(long, int), java.lang.Object#wait(), java.lang.Object#wait(long), java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object), java.lang.Object#toString(), java.lang.Object#hashCode(), java.lang.Object#getClass(), java.lang.Object#notify(), java.lang.Object#notifyAll()
      • Property Detail

        • groovy.lang.Closure closure

      • Constructor Detail

        • UiTableSpecifier()

      • Method Detail

        • UiTableSpecifier ui(@groovy.lang.DelegatesTo(strategy: Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST, value: TableSpec) groovy.lang.Closure closure)

          Describe the table to display with an added column with select input per line. You must add the object to each row, like in the code sample below:

          row o, {
                    rowColumn {
                        rowField o.dateCreated
                        rowField o.lastUpdated

          You also need a table footer to call an action on the selection:

          row {
                    rowColumn 4, {
                        footerButton("Merge", Bp2Controller.&mergeValuesSave as MethodClosure, valueToMerge.id)
          See TableSpec for more information
          aClass - Class of the object displayed in the table
          closure - The table specification

        • void visitTable(IUiTableVisitor tableVisitor)

          Allow to visit the table.
