Improve the expressiveness of a typical Intranet application by using Groovy DSL (Domain-Specific Languages).
DSLs are statically typed, most errors are detected during the development cycle, and the IDE can autocomplete code more easily.
The Taack Framework also allows shortening usual application code by avoiding GSPs and managing common operations (filter, save, show).
The Taack Framework depends on the Grails application framework. Grails brings the runtime context. The Grails infrastructure has the following characteristics:
On top of SpringBoot (and Micronaut)
Uses Groovy as the main language
Use Gorm for data persistence over various technologies
Uses GSP or JSP for page rendering
Brings simplicity to Java EE by adhering to the moto Convention over Configuration
In a web application, entry points are URLs. They are called actions in Grails terminology.
Actions are responsible for updating the browser state following user events such as clicks, key presses, and mouse movements.
The Taack Framework is not a fully AJAX framework; rather, it is mostly an old-school framework that generates complete pages on the server but also has the capability of updating a portion of a page using AJAX.
This approach helps keep the browser’s internal state minimal. On the server side, all actions are stateless. On the browser side, the stack of modal windows and their layouts, defined by blocks, are stored to manage content updates.
Additional Framework Characteristics
Modular application approach
Developers can focus solely on their Gradle Modules
Support for PDF, CSV or Mails in addition to HTML rendering
Statically typed
Intellij IDE Support
DSL rendering is performed in single pass most of the time