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Filter DSL is always associated with a Table or a Chart. A bloc cannot contain only a filter.
Code Sample
UiFilterSpecifier f = new UiFilterSpecifier() (1)
f.ui User, { (2)
section "User", { (3)
filterField u.username_ (4)
filterField u.lastName_
filterField u.firstName_
filterField u.manager_, u.manager.username_ (5)
filterField u.mainSubsidiary_
filterField u.allowedSubsidiaries_
filterField u.enabled_
filterFieldExpressionBool "My Team", (6)
new FilterExpression(u.selfObject_,
1 | Create the filter |
2 | pass the object class and the closure containing the specifications of the filter via the ui method |
3 | Create a section labeled "User" |
4 | Add field to the filter, note the underscore at the end of the field name |
5 | if the field is an object, pass an array with all steps necessary to target the field you want to filter on |
6 | filterFieldExpressionBool allow more complex filter |
UiFilterSpecifier f = new UiFilterSpecifier()
CmsImage i = new CmsImage(cmsPage: new CmsPage())
f.ui CmsImage, cmsPage ? [id:] : null, { (1)
section "Image", {
filterField i.hide_
filterField i.filePath_
filterField i.imageType_
section "Origin", {
filterField i.cmsPage_, i.cmsPage.name_
filterField i.cmsPage_, i.cmsPage.subsidiary_
filterField i.cmsPage_, i.cmsPage.pageLayout_
filterField i.cmsPage_, i.cmsPage.pageType_
1 | We can pass optional parameters to the action |
DSL Symbols Hierarchy
DSL Elements
: one version allows passing additional parameters to the filter action (see Filter Sample 2)
: add object field to be transmitted to the filter action -
: filter objects if another object points to it. -
: allows changing where clause in the filter action by using FilterExpression, last parameter is the default value.
: add a graphical filter section
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Code Sample
The right part of the preview corresponds to the DSL sample below. The filter is on the left of the image, see DslDescriptions/FilterDSL.html for the corresponding code.
The table has pagination, it is sorted by default against Date Created column, all columns are sortable except Picture and Roles. One column can contain multiple cells. Date Created is empty for old users, and manager cells are also empty for some users.
new UiTableSpecifier().ui {
User u = new User(manager: new User(), enabled: true)
header { (1)
if (!hasSelect) {
fieldHeader tr('picture.header.label') (2)
column {
sortableFieldHeader u.username_ (3)
sortableFieldHeader u.dateCreated_
column {
sortableFieldHeader u.subsidiary_
sortableFieldHeader u.manager_, u.manager.username_
column {
sortableFieldHeader u.lastName_
sortableFieldHeader u.firstName_
column {
fieldHeader tr('default.roles.label')
boolean canSwitchUser = crewSecurityService.canSwitchUser()
TaackFilter tf = taackFilterService.getBuilder(User)
.setSortOrder(TaackFilter.Order.DESC, u.dateCreated_)
iterate(tf) { User ru -> (4)
row { (5)
boolean hasActions = crewSecurityService.canEdit(ru)
if (!hasSelect) {
rowColumn {
rowField attachmentUiService.preview(ru.mainPicture?.id)
rowColumn {
rowAction ActionIcon.SHOW * IconStyle.SCALE_DOWN,
CrewController.&showUser as MC,
if (hasSelect)
rowAction "Select User",
ActionIcon.SELECT * IconStyle.SCALE_DOWN,, ru.toString()
else if (hasActions) {
rowAction ActionIcon.EDIT * IconStyle.SCALE_DOWN,
CrewController.&editUser as MC,
if (canSwitchUser && ru.enabled)
rowAction ActionIcon.SHOW * IconStyle.SCALE_DOWN,
CrewController.&switchUser as MC,
else if (canSwitchUser && !ru.enabled) {
rowAction ActionIcon.MERGE * IconStyle.SCALE_DOWN,
CrewController.&replaceUser as MC,
rowAction ActionIcon.DELETE * IconStyle.SCALE_DOWN,
CrewController.&deleteUser as MC,
rowField ru.username_
rowField ru.dateCreated_
rowColumn {
rowField ru.subsidiary_
rowField ru.manager?.username
rowColumn {
rowField ru.lastName_
rowField ru.firstName_
rowColumn {
if (hasActions && !hasSelect)
rowAction ActionIcon.EDIT * IconStyle.SCALE_DOWN,
CrewController.&editUserRoles as MC,
rowField ru.authorities*.authority.join(', ')
1 | Header part of the table specifications |
2 | Non-sortable field header |
3 | Sortable field header |
4 | iterate , specifying sort, paginate and filtering |
5 | row DSL |
can be modified by ActionIconModifier
Table style is specified by Style
an optional parameter on row
or rowField