• Rendered into HTML

  • Rendered into Mails

  • Rendered into PDF

  • Rendered into CSV

Form Validation

screenshot form validation
Figure 1. Localized form

When saving an object, errors are reported, localized, with no additional cost…​

See Grails documentation on Constraints Usage to check your object validity before saving.

Code Sample

Form code sample 1.
def userForm(User user) {
    user ?= new User(params)

    UiFormSpecifier f = new UiFormSpecifier()   (1)
    f.ui user, {                                (2)
        section "User", {                       (3)
            field user.username_                (4)
            field user.firstName_
            field user.lastName_
            ajaxField user.manager_,            (5)
                this.&selectUserM2O as MC
            field user.password_
        section "Coords", {
            field user.businessUnit_
            field user.mail_
            field user.subsidiary_
        section "Status", {
            field user.enabled_
            field user.accountExpired_
            field user.accountLocked_
            field user.passwordExpired_
        formAction this.&saveUser as MC, (6)

    UiBlockSpecifier b = new UiBlockSpecifier()  (7)
    b.ui {
        modal {
            form f, BlockSpec.Width.MAX
    taackUiService.show(b)                 (8)
1 Create the form
2 Pass object to be edited and spec of the form
3 Section called user
4 Basic field, terminating with an underscore, those symbols are generated by Taack AST on class with the TaackFieldEnum annotation
5 Many-To-One relation, the action selectUserM2O will open a popup to select the manager of the user
6 Specify an action where the form will be sent to. Here it is saveUser, it will save the user
7 Create the block in a modal
8 Display it …​
screenshot dsl user form2
Figure 2. Form inside a modal Window.

DSL Symbols Hierarchy

Figure 3. Symbols hierarchy diagram for Form DSL

DSL Elements


  • hiddenField: add an input of type hidden into the form.

  • field: add an input with a label.

  • ajaxField: add a many 2 many to one field. The MethodClosure must point to a block showing a modal window


  • section: add a form section, optionally Width of the section

  • col: Allows a splitting section into columns


  • formAction: Label, action called, params of the action (either id and map), is ajax