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Form Validation

Figure 1. Localized form
When saving an object, errors are reported, localized, with no additional cost…
See Grails documentation on Constraints Usage to check your object validity before saving.
Code Sample
Form code sample 1.
def userForm(User user) {
user ?= new User(params)
UiFormSpecifier f = new UiFormSpecifier() (1)
f.ui user, { (2)
section "User", { (3)
field user.username_ (4)
field user.firstName_
field user.lastName_
ajaxField user.manager_, (5)
this.&selectUserM2O as MC
field user.password_
section "Coords", {
field user.businessUnit_
field user.mail_
field user.subsidiary_
section "Status", {
field user.enabled_
field user.accountExpired_
field user.accountLocked_
field user.passwordExpired_
formAction this.&saveUser as MC, (6)
UiBlockSpecifier b = new UiBlockSpecifier() (7)
b.ui {
modal {
form f, BlockSpec.Width.MAX
taackUiService.show(b) (8)
1 | Create the form |
2 | Pass object to be edited and spec of the form |
3 | Section called user |
4 | Basic field, terminating with an underscore, those symbols are generated by Taack AST on class with the TaackFieldEnum annotation |
5 | Many-To-One relation, the action selectUserM2O will open a popup to select the manager of the user |
6 | Specify an action where the form will be sent to. Here it is saveUser , it will save the user |
7 | Create the block in a modal |
8 | Display it … |

Figure 2. Form inside a modal Window.
DSL Symbols Hierarchy
Figure 3. Symbols hierarchy diagram for Form DSL
DSL Elements
: add an input of type hidden into the form. -
: add an input with a label. -
: add a many 2 many to one field. The MethodClosure must point to a block showing a modal window
: add a form section, optionally Width of the section -
: Allows a splitting section into columns
: Label, action called, params of the action (either id and map), is ajax