Table of Contents
Those use cases show what is up to the application developer responsibility (on diagrams, it is the controller actor), what is done automatically by the framework (light blue rectangle).
Displaying a form and saving an object
Two actions are involved, using 2 services:
Figure 1. Sequence Diagram Rendering Form and Process Object
Code Sample: Form + Save Workflow
def userForm(User user) { (1)
user ?= new User() (2)
UiFormSpecifier f = new UiFormSpecifier() (3)
f.ui user, {
hiddenField user.subsidiary_
hiddenField user.origin_
section "User", {
field user.username_
field user.firstName_
field user.lastName_
ajaxField user.manager_, this.&selectUserM2O as MC
field user.trigram_
field user.password_
section "Coords", {
field user.businessUnit_
field user.job_
field user.directPhone_
field user.additionalPhone_
field user.mail_
field user.mainSubsidiary_
field user.allowedSubsidiaries_
// [. . .]
formAction this.&saveUser as MC, (4)
} new UiBlockSpecifier().ui { (5)
modal {
form "User Form", f, BlockSpec.Width.MAX
@Secured("ROLE_ADMIN") (6)
def saveUser() { (7)
taackSaveService.saveThenRedirectOrRenderErrors(User, this.&listUser) (8)
1 | Action displaying the form |
2 | Create the object if object is null |
3 | Create the form |
4 | Form button that send the form data to the saveUser action |
5 | show the form |
6 | Secure the save action |
7 | Action that will save the object |
8 | Call to taackSaveService, here if the object is valid, user is redirected to listUsers action. |
Display a table with sortable columns, inline actions, and a filter
Only one action is necessary to manage pagination, filtering and sorting:
Figure 2. Sequence Diagram Managing Action on a Table to process a list of objects
Code Sample Filter and table
def index() { (1)
User cu = authenticatedUser as User
UiFilterSpecifier f = buildUserTableFilter cu (2)
UiTableSpecifier t = buildUserTable f (3)
UiBlockSpecifier b = new UiBlockSpecifier() (4)
b.ui {
tableFilter "Filter", f, "Users", t, BlockSpec.Width.MAX, {
action ActionIcon.CREATE, this.&userForm as MC (5)
}, buildMenu()) (6)
1 | Action that display a list of objects |
2 | Build the filter, here the filter takes the current connected user as parameter, because we want to be able to list user team. |
3 | Build the table |
4 | Build the block containing the table and the filter |
5 | Add an action to create a new user |
6 | Show the block |
We exceptionally pass the filter to the buildTable for building the query and avoiding filter hacking |
Display a modal then close it and refresh part of current content
Figure 3. Sequence Diagram Managing Action on a Table to process a list of objects
Code Sample to close modal and refresh current page
taackSaveService.saveThenDisplayBlockOrRenderErrors(EngineeringChangeRequest, (1)
new UiBlockSpecifier().ui { (2)
closeModalAndUpdateBlock { (3)
show "Projects", buildShowProjects(ecr), BlockSpec.Width.MAX, {
Ecr2Controller.&projectsForm as MC,
[id:, ajaxBlockId: ajaxBlockId]
1 | After an action implying to save an object is called into a modal, you can close the modal and refresh page elements in one action |
2 | saveThenDisplayBlockOrRenderErrors take a UiBlockSpecifier as parameter |
3 | closeModalAndUpdateBlock will first close the last opened modal and then apply the modification |
4 | Here, the block with the name contained in ajaxBlockId will be updated |
Updating a portion of a page
Show some object with an editable field
Show a graph
Export a table in CSV
Rendering a block in a PDF
Rendering a block in a Mail